Monday, December 9, 2013

Hand & Foot Turkey

I had some time with my 4 year old, so we decided to make some Thanksgiving crafts to have on display when we hosted dinner.  This takes a bit depending on how long you wait to let the layers of paint dry, but turned out really cute!

Things you'll need:
 - red, orange, yellow,
   and brown paint
 - paintbrush
 - googley eyes
 - hands and feet!!

I thought it would be easiest to have the darkest color on the bottom so that it would show through the others as you put more prints on top, but you're welcome to switch it up however you would like to.  I do recommend waiting until the print is almost dry (or fully dry) before putting another print on top.  You'll see the progression photos around this post.  We tried to alternate the hands around a bit so they were not perfectly aligned.  I may actually recommend flipping the hands to the opposite side to completely get a different pattern.

After we let that dry, I coated her foot in brown paint and tried to make it so that the toes (feet) were below the hand feathers.  We added two google-y eyes after it dried and also a yellow beak.  You can add a beak cutting out a triangle from construction paper or I used the back of a paint brush to make a triangle with yellow paint.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Q-tip Tree

Here's an interesting twist on what 'tools' you can use to paint with.  I found this dot tree on Pinterest and had it saved for a future craft day.  It seemed perfect for the cooler, feeling like fall morning we had the other day.

Things you'll need:
 - q-tips
 - washable paint
 - paper
 - paint brush

Pretty simple craft this time.  All I did was paint the tree trunk and then put print-out of the image from Pinterest on the table to show Alexandria how they used the q-tips to make the leaves on the tree.  As always she had her own twist on the craft and decided that after she had made the dots that the tree needed to be enclosed with brown!  As much as my OCD makes me cringe, I love her putting her own spin on each craft we do!  Below is the original idea and then some of Alexandria's work & finished product.