Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hands & Feet Rudolph

When pondering what to get/make for Alexandria's teachers at daycare, I figured a cute little arts and crafts project would be perfect to give them along with a more traditional gift card.  I ran across the idea for this somewhere along my internet travels and wanted to give it a try.

Things you'll need:
 - Paint brushes
 - Brown paint
 - Google eyes (or you can draw them on) - I found a large bag at Walmart for $4
 - Red paint (or you can use a red puff ball...which I didn't have for this)
 - Sharpie or black marker
 - Piece(s) of paper
 - 2 hands and one foot :)

First things first, lay out all of the paper in a paint-proof environment.  This time I used the kitchen floor because I had the help of my husband to hold the stamper!  You pretty much just need the brown paint, a paintbrush, and the paper at this point.  I had my husband hold Alexandria's foot in the air while I painted the bottom brown.  (Of course you have to notice the toe curl from the tickle!)
From there, you use on hand positioned at the top of the heel mark to the left and the other to the right.  To be completely honest, I have no idea if it would look better with the thumbs in or out.
I pretty much just grabbed a hand, stamped it wherever it fell and proceeded down the line.  We made four, so it was an assembly line of paint, stamp, re-apply paint and stamp.  One hand at a time, obviously wash in between, and try to keep as tight of a hold as possible on the stamper!!!  My husband was definitely a huge help in this craft.  I will say that Alex does a lot better with the paint/stamp method now than she has in the past.  Here's a picture of the outcome after stamping.  As you can see, they all look different :)
After they dried, I added a little smirk/smile right above the toe line with the black permanent marker, added two google-eyes right where the heel part starts and a red circle nose.  Again, with the nose, I used paint and just applied it really thick so it would cover the brown, but I did see someone who used a red puff ball that also looked cute.  Here's the final product!  The teacher's loved them and we have one proudly displayed on our fridge :)
I hope everyone enjoys the project and has a happy holiday!!!

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